Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What's Happening in Preschool?

March 2015 Newsletter
Steward Integrated Preschool
Miss Judy, Miss Robyn and Miss Diane

         It’s hard to believe that it’s already spring!  Hopefully it will feel like it soon!  We’re looking forward to spending more time outdoors.  Please continue to pack your child’s snowpants, boots and mittens.    

On March 2nd, Mrs. B read The Foot Book to our class.  The children were very excited to have a guest reader!  The fingerpaintings and words on the door to our classroom depict the story One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.  Watching Green Eggs and Ham on “Pajama Day” was truly a special event! 
                On March 16th and 17th, we had a special green snack and the children searched for plastic coins that were left by the leprechauns!  We made leprechaun stick puppets and used the puppets while singing “I’’m a Little Leprechaun”. 
                Our current theme “Eggs and Rabbits” will culminate with an egg hunt on April 1st and another on April 2nd.  During center time, the children have had the opportunity to use rabbit stamps and egg stamps in the writing center, paint a rabbit at the easel, lace eggs in the manipulative area, look at books about eggs and rabbits and/or explore in the sensory table filled with paper grass, stretchy rabbits, plastic eggs and other seasonal items.  The paper eggs that they decorated using vinegar and tissue paper look beautiful on the bulletin board!  They had a lot of fun using cookie cutters and pink and purple paint to decorate bags for the egg hunts.  They will also make rabbit ears to wear.  During circle time, we played the game “Bunny, Bunny, Where is your egg?”  We’ll also sing the Bunny Pokey and several other songs.

Bunny Pokey 
You put your bunny ears in.
You put your bunny ears out.
You put your bunny ears in
and you shake them all about.
You do the Bunny Pokey
and hop yourself around.
That's what it's all about!

Additional verses:  You put your bunny tail in...
                               You put your bunny paws in...     
                               You put your bunny nose in...

We want to welcome two new students to the Steward Preschool!  We are very excited to have Molly and Cam in our class! 

                                                                  Happy spring!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Dr. Seuss and Pajama Day

The children used finger paints to make fish.
They look great on our door!

They were very excited to watch the video Green Eggs and Ham!

The children made green and white baker's clay.

They used the baker's clay to make green eggs!