Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Fun with Science

Last week we began our Plants unit that's part of the Macmillan McGraw-Hill Pre-K science program.  In this unit, the children will be exploring different types of plants, discussing what plants need to grow, and identifying the different parts of plants.  Today the children sowed bean seeds in peat pots.  We're excited to see how they will grow and change in the next few weeks!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Egg Hunt Memories

Earlier this month, the children participated in several activities pertaining to egg hunts.  They used markers and foam shapes to make springtime baskets.

They also used paper eggs, bleeding tissue paper and vinegar to make tie dye eggs.  We hope
you had a chance to see them on our hallway bulletin board during the Open House!

The children had great fun preparing for our egg hunts that took place on April 11th and 12th! They used cookie cutters and glitter to decorate bags for their eggs.  They also made rabbit ear headbands.

They looked adorable!

Before going on our hunts, we had a special snack!

We were fortunate to have both of our hunts on the preschool playground!

Thanks for your help with this special event!