Thursday, October 19, 2017

Pumpkins, Spiders and Bats, Oh My!

After exploring the inside and outside of a pumpkin, I put a piece of pumpkin in the science center and another piece in the refrigerator.  After one week, we observed what happened to the pumpkin.  The children were in awe at what they saw!

The children have been listening to stories about bats and spiders, such as There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bat by Lucille Colandro and Mighty Spiders! by Fay Robinson.  They enjoyed making bats out of paper bags!  

On Tuesday, our class made spiders out of dark gray playdough, pipe cleaners and googly eyes.  They looked adorable!

During center time, the children have been having fun exploring in the sensory table filled with corn and plastic jack-o-lanterns, cauldrons, bats and spiders!

They've done a great job working in pairs or small groups to put puzzles together!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Pumpkin Pumpkin

We began the month of October by making orange playdough.  The children had fun singing the following song as they stirred the dough:

Stirring and stirring and stirring our playdough,
Woooo, woo, woooo, woo,
Quiet, quiet, quiet

After exploring the inside of a real pumpkin and listening to the story Pumpkin Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington, the children made pumpkins out of construction paper, crepe paper and real pumpkin seeds.  

They also mixed play and art by using marbles to paint pumpkins!