Thursday, September 28, 2017

Fall Fun!

This week we began our "Signs of Fall" theme.   The children have been enjoying being "scientists" and using magnifying glasses to observe mini pumpkins and guords.

We sang "The Leaves on the Trees" and used red, orange and yellow tissue paper to make fall trees.  

The children have been practicing their lacing skills using fall lacing cards.

Happy Fall!

Sunday, September 17, 2017

September Happenings

It's been a great start to the school year in preschool!  The children have been having a lot of fun exploring in their new classroom.  On the first two days of school, the children helped Mrs. P make red playdough.

It came out great!

During center time, the children have been working together to make block structures.

They've been taking on pretend roles in the dramatic play area.

They've been exploring the properties of dry sand in the sensory table.

They're very excited to eat lunch at school!

There's been a lot to do on the playground!

It's sure to be an exciting year as we DREAM BIG!