Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Waiting for Wings

We've been having great fun with our “butterflies” theme.  We witnessed the life cycle of the butterfly first hand!

During the week of 5/8, we got our caterpillars in the mail!

Last week, we put the chrysalides in the butterfly nursery.

When we got back from the long weekend, we had four Painted Lady Butterflies in the nursery!  In a few days, we'll set our butterflies free!

The children made caterpillars out of the letter C. 

Whereas symmetry is a trait that most butterflies share, the children painted butterflies with symmetrical wing patterns.  They listened to stories about the life cycle of a butterfly, such as Waiting for Wings by Lois Ehlert and From Caterpillar to Butterfly by Deborah Heiligman. They used flannel board pieces to help tell the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.