Monday, September 24, 2018

Sensational September!

The school year is off to a great start!  The children are learning the schedule and routines in their new preschool classroom.  The theme for the beginning of the year was "All About Me".  At the end of last week, we started our "Signs of Fall" theme with a brainstorming activity.  It's sure to be a fun fall in our class!

The children have been enjoying navigating through the obstacle courses
set up by Mrs. O'Leary on Tuesdays.

We made the best of a rainy day by setting up stations in the music room to practice gross motor skills.

We've been having a lot of fun using the equipment and playing games on the preschool playground!

The color of the month is red.  We used string, paper doilies, colored pasta and other red materials to make collages.

The name puzzles were a big hit!  We're keeping them at school so that we can use them again.

Our Meet Me bulletin board looks fabulous! 

Today the children put apple puzzles together.  They also listened to the story One Little,
Two Little, Three Little Apples by Matt Ringler.