Thursday, March 19, 2020

Favorite Hat Day and Pajama Day

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Image result for Pajama Day images

Pajama day is typically an exciting day for our preschoolers!  This year was no exception!

The children had a special pancake, orange juice and hot cocoa snack!  Since it was a day to bring in their Teddy Bears or other stuffed animals, they were also offered some Teddy Grahams.

On Thursday (3/5), the children searched for nighttime items (e.g., slippers, a night light, a toothbrush) that were hidden in the classroom!  For circle time on Friday (3/6), the children acted out the "Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed" nursery rhyme/song!

After each child fell down, he/she went to see Mrs. P, the doctor!

Thanks for your help in preparing your child for these special days!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Thankful for Friends

The children truly enjoyed the activities that were part of our "Friendship" theme.  They worked in pairs to make "Friendship Paintings".  

After making our "Friendship Chain", they participated in a measurement activity.

Our "Friendship Quilt" looks beautiful on the bulletin board!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Creation Station

During the month of January, our Science Center was set up as a "Creation Station".  The children used their imaginations to design objects out of recyclable materials and other materials, such as egg cartons, paper tubes, paper scraps, mini muffin cups and craft sticks. It was a big hit!

Monday, January 6, 2020

Dazzling December

We were very busy in preschool before the winter break! 

The children began the "Signs of December" theme by using marbles, white paint and snow glitter to make snow covered evergreen trees.  They also listened to The Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett and then used foam shapes, pom poms, google eyes and other materials to make their own gingerbread people!

They enjoyed sharing what they wore and/or brought to school for Square Days!

It's always fun to play in the snow!

The children had a blast decorating and playing in the cardboard castles that we got from another class!

Happy New Year!