Sunday, January 25, 2015

January Newletter

January 2015 Newsletter
Steward Integrated Preschool
Miss Judy, Miss Diane and Miss Robyn

It’s hard to believe that we’re half way through the school year.  We’ve had several students join our class since the beginning of the school year.  In turn, I’m attaching an updated class list.  You and your child may want to refer to this list when buying or making Valentine’s for the class.


The current theme in preschool is “Mittens” and the color of the month is blue.  The children have been extending an ABC color pattern (green mitten -yellow mitten-blue mitten) on the January calendar.  They used eye droppers and paint to make pairs of mittens.  It was a great way to explore symmetry in art and the mittens look beautiful on the bulletin board!  The children will practice lacing mittens cut from bristol board and paint different shapes or patterns onto mittens using sponge rollers.  During choice time, the children have had the opportunity to play a mitten matching/memory game, hang mittens numbered 1-10 on a clothesline in the dramatic play area, paint a giant mitten at the easel and look at books about winter and/or mittens.  We will create a class graph to find out if more children like to wear mittens or gloves when playing in the snow.  They will listen to The Mitten by Jan Brett and use stick puppets to act out the story.  They will play the game “What’s inside the mitten?” and sing the song “The Mittens on my Hands”.   Today, the children learned the following fingerplay:

Mittens for the snow time, when the world is white.              (sign snow)
Mittens for my two hands,                                                      (hold up hands)
Mittens left & right.                                                                  (hold up left & then right)
Mittens with a thumb place,                                                    (show thumb)

Mittens warm and snug,
Mittens make me feel like a bug inside a rug.                        (hug self)

Our room parents will be contacting you to see if you are able to provide a food item or other item for our Valentine’s Day parties.  Your help is greatly appreciated!

                                                                 Miss Judy, Miss Diane and Miss Robyn

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